Thought for the Day

Seek discomfort. The modern world is working to degrade our ability to endure even the slightest difficulty. Keep in mind that there are groups and individuals out there who look to gain from your dependency. As a young boy I grew up without air conditioning. Not in the apartment and not in our family car. I played hard outside with the neighborhood kids. We had simple mechanical toys. I went camping in all types of conditions. I learned from my father how to light a campfire, and we ate beef stew from a can. Later in my adult life I certainly enjoy the modern conveniences, however, I still like to seek discomfort on occasion. I’ll attend a football game and sit in the pouring rain. I chose the coldest day of the winter and take a walk on the boardwalk. After retiring from the fire department, I ran a full marathon, 26.2 miles. So, what did I gain from all of that? Some resiliency, I hope. Some courage to face and overcome the difficulties that I have faced and will face in my life. Enjoy our modern comforts, but from time to time, seek discomfort. Keep writing.